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to go off to sleep

  • 1 sleep

    [sli:p] 1. past tense, past participle - slept; verb
    (to rest with the eyes closed and in a state of natural unconsciousness: Goodnight - sleep well!; I can't sleep - my mind is too active.) κοιμάμαι
    2. noun
    ((a) rest in a state of natural unconsciousness: It is bad for you to have too little sleep, since it makes you tired; I had only four hours' sleep last night.) ύπνος
    - sleepless
    - sleepy
    - sleepily
    - sleepiness
    - sleeping-bag
    - sleeping-pill / sleeping-tablet
    - sleepwalk
    - sleepwalker
    - put to sleep
    - sleep like a log/top
    - sleep off
    - sleep on

    English-Greek dictionary > sleep

  • 2 sleep on

    (to put off making a decision about (something) overnight: I'll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.) αφήνω να το καλοσκεφτώ,αναβάλλω την απόφαση για την επαύριο

    English-Greek dictionary > sleep on

  • 3 sleep off

    (to recover from (something) by sleeping: She's in bed sleeping off the effects of the party.) συνέρχομαι με τον ύπνο

    English-Greek dictionary > sleep off

  • 4 doze off

    (to go into a light sleep.) λαγοκοιμάμαι

    English-Greek dictionary > doze off

  • 5 doze

    [dəuz] 1. verb
    (to sleep lightly for short periods: The old lady dozed in her chair.) λαγοκοιμάμαι
    2. noun
    (a short sleep.) υπνάκος

    English-Greek dictionary > doze

  • 6 Fall

    v. intrans.
    P. and V. πίπτειν, καταπίπτειν (Eur., Cycl.), V. πίτνειν.
    Falling star: V. διοπετὴς ἀστήρ, ὁ (Eur., frag.).
    Fall in ruins: P. and V. συμπίπτειν, Ar. and P. καταρρεῖν, καταρρήγνυσθαι, P. περικαταρρεῖν, V. ἐρείπεσθαι;
    met., be ruined: P. and V. σφάλλεσθαι, πίπτειν (rare P.); see under Ruin.
    Die: P. and V. τελευτᾶν; see Die.
    Fall in battle: V. πίπτειν.
    Drop, go down: P. and V. νιέναι; see Abate.
    Of price: P. ἀνίεναι, ἐπανίεναι.
    The price of corn fell: P. ἐπανῆκεν (ἐπανίεναι) ὁ σῖτος (Dem. 889).
    Fall against: P. and V. πταίειν πρός (dat.)
    Fall asleep: V. εἰς ὕπνον πίπτειν, or use v. sleep.
    Fall away: P. and V. πορρεῖν, διαρρεῖν.
    Stand aloof: P. and V. φίστασθαι, ποστατεῖν (Plat.).
    Fall back: P. and V. ναπίπτειν; of an army: see Retire.
    Fall back on, have recourse to: P. and V. τρέπεσθαι πρός (acc.).
    Fall behind: P. and V. ὑστερεῖν, λείπεσθαι.
    Fall down: P. and V. καταπίπτειν (Eur., Cycl.), or use fall.
    Fall down or before: Ar. and V. προσπίπτειν (acc. or dat.) (also Xen. but rare P.), V. προσπίτνειν (acc. or dat.), see Worship.
    Fall foul of: P. συμπίπτειν (dat. or πρός, acc.), προσπίπτειν (dat.), προσβάλλειν (πρός, acc.); see dash against. met., P. προσκρούειν (dat. or absol.).
    Fall from (power, etc.): P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν (gen. or ἐκ, gen.).
    Fall in, subside: P. ἱζάνειν (Thuc. 2, 76).
    Collapse: P. and V. συμπίπτειν, πίπτειν, Ar. and P. καταρρήγνυσθαι, καταρρεῖν.
    Of debts: P. ἐπιγίγνεσθαι.
    Fall in love with: P. and V. ἐρᾶν (gen.), V. εἰς ἔρον πίπτειν (gen.); see Love.
    Fall in with, meet: P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), συντυγχνειν (dat.; V. gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), παντᾶν (dat.); see meet, light upon; met., accept: P. and V. δέχεσθαι, ἐνδέχεσθαι.
    Fall into: P. and V. εἰσπίπτειν (P εἰς, acc.; V. acc. alone or dat. alone), πίπτειν (εἰς, acc.), ἐμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.); met., fall into misfortune, etc.: P. and V. περιπίπτειν (dat.), εμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.). πίπτειν εἰς (acc.), V. συμπίπτειν (dat.); of a river: see discharge itself into.
    Fall off: T. ἀποπίπτειν; see tumble off.
    Slip off: P. περιρρεῖν.
    Fall away: P. and V. διαρρεῖν, πορρεῖν;
    met., stand aloof: P. and V. φίστασθαι, ποστατεῖν (Plat.).
    Deteriorate: P. ἀποκλίνειν, ἐκπίπτειν, ἐξίστασθαι.
    Become less: P. μειοῦσθαι.
    Fall on: see fall upon.
    Fall out: P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν, P. ἀποπίπτειν; met., see Quarrel, Happen.
    Fall over, stumble against: P. and V. πταίειν (πρός, dat.).
    Fall overboard: P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν.
    Fall short: see under Short.
    Fall through: P. and V. οὐ προχωρεῖν; see Fail.
    Fall to ( one's lot): P. and V. προσγίγνεσθαι (dat.), συμβαίνειν (dat.), λαγχνειν (dat.) (Plat. but rare P.), V. ἐπιρρέπειν (absol.), P. ἐπιβάλλειν (absol.).
    Fall to ( in eating). — Ye who hungered before, fall to on the hare: Ar. ἀλλʼ ὦ πρὸ τοῦ πεινῶντες ἐμβάλλεσθε τῶν λαγῴων ( Pax, 1312).
    Fall to pieces: Ar. and P. διαπίπτειν; see fall away, collapse.
    Fall to work: P. and V. ἔργου ἔχεσθαι; see address oneself to.
    Fall upon a weapon: Ar. and P. περιπίπτειν (dat.), V. πίπτειν περ (dat.).
    Fall on one's knees: Ar. and V. προσπίπτειν (also Xen. but rare P.), V. προσπίτνειν; see under Knee.
    Attack: P. and V. προσπίπτειν (dat.). εἰσπίπτειν (πρός, acc.), ἐπέχειν (ἐπ, dat.), ἐπέρχεσθαι (dat., rarely acc.), προσβάλλειν (dat.), εἰσβάλλειν (εἰς or πρός, acc.). ἐμπίπτειν (dat.) (Xen., also Ar.), ἐπεισπίπτειν (dat. or acc.) (Xen.), V. ἐφορμᾶν (or pass.) ( dat) (rare P.), P. προσφέρεσθαι (dat.), ἐπιφέρεσθαι (dat.), Ar. and P. ἐπιτθεσθαι (dat.), ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.).
    Night fell upon the action: P. νὺξ ἐπεγένετο τῷ ἔργῳ (Thuc. 4, 25).
    P. and V. πτῶμα, τό (Plat.), V. πέσημα, τό.
    met., downfall: P. and V. διαφθορά, ἡ, ὄλεθρος, ὁ; see Downfall.
    Capture ( of a town): P. and V. λωσις, ἡ, P. αἵρεσις, ἡ.
    In wrestling: P. and V. πλαισμα, τό.
    Fall of snow. — It was winter and there was a fall of snow: P. χειμὼν ἦν καὶ ὑπένιφε (Thuc. 4, 103).
    Fall of rain: Ar. and P. ὑετός, ὁ, δωρ, τό; see Rain.
    Fall of the year, autumn: P. μετόπωρον, τό. φθινόπωρον, τό, Ar. and V. ὀπώρα, ἡ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Fall

  • 7 cry

    1. verb
    1) (to let tears come from the eyes; to weep: She cried when she heard of the old man's death.) κλαίω
    2) ((often with out) to shout out (a loud sound): She cried out for help.) φωνάζω
    2. noun
    1) (a shout: a cry of triumph.) κραυγή
    2) (a time of weeping: The baby had a little cry before he went to sleep.) κλάμα
    3) (the sound made by some animals: the cry of a wolf.) ουρλιαχτό
    - cry off

    English-Greek dictionary > cry

  • 8 rock

    I [rok] noun
    1) ((a large lump or mass of) the solid parts of the surface of the Earth: The ship struck a rock and sank; the rocks on the seashore; He built his house on solid rock.) πέτρα, βράχος
    2) (a large stone: The climber was killed by a falling rock.) κοτρόνα
    3) (a type of hard sweet made in sticks: a stick of Edinburgh rock.) σκληρή καραμέλα
    - rocky
    - rockiness
    - rock-bottom
    - rock-garden
    - rock-plant
    - on the rocks
    II [rok] verb
    1) (to (cause to) swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side: The mother rocked the cradle; This cradle rocks.) λικνίζω/-ομαι, κουνώ, κουνιέμαι
    2) (to swing (a baby) gently in one's arms to comfort it or make it sleep.) νανουρίζω
    3) (to shake or move violently: The earthquake rocked the building.) ταρακουνώ/-ιέμαι
    - rocky
    - rockiness
    - rocking-chair
    - rocking-horse
    - off one's rocker
    III [rok]
    ((also rock music) music or songs with a strong, heavy beat and usually a simple melody: She likes rock; ( also adjective) a rock band.) ροκ

    English-Greek dictionary > rock

  • 9 Turn

    v. trans.
    P. and V. τρέπειν, στρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφειν.
    Change: P. and V. μεταφέρειν, μεταβάλλειν, μεταστρέφειν; see Change.
    Translate: P. μεταφέρειν.
    Let us turn our steps from this path: V. ἔξω τρίβου τοῦδʼ ἴχνος ἀλλαξώμεθα (Eur., El. 103).
    Turn a corner: Ar. and V. κάμπτειν.
    Where are you turning your head? Ar. τὴν κεφάλην ποῖ περιάγεις; ( Pax, 682).
    Turn one's neck: P. περιάγειν τὸν αὐχένα (Plat., Rep. 515C).
    Direct ( towards an object): P. and V. ἐπέχειν (τί τινι, or τι ἐπί τινι).
    Turn on a lathe: Ar. and P. τορνεύειν.
    met., round off ( a phrase): Ar. and P. τορνεύειν, P. ἀποτορνεύειν.
    Spin: P. and V. στρέφειν; see Spin.
    V. intrans. P. and V. τρέπεσθαι, στρέφεσθαι, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι.
    Change: P. and V. μεταστρέφεσθαι, P. περιίστασθαι; see Change.
    Wend: P. and V. τρέπεσθαι; see Wend.
    Spin, revolve: P. and V. κυκλεῖσθαι, στρέφεσθαι, P. περιστρέφεσθαι; see Spin.
    Turn in the race-course: V. κάμπτειν (Soph., El. 744).
    Become: P. and V. γίγνεσθαι.
    Turn about: see Turn back (Turn).
    Turn against, estrange, v. trans.: P. ἀλλοτριοῦν, ἀπαλλοτριοῦν.
    Embroil: Ar. and P. διιστναι.
    Betray: P. and V. προδιδόναι.
    Turn aside: P. and V. ποτρέπειν, ποστρέφειν.
    Turn from its course: P. παρατρέπειν, P. and V. ἐκτρέπειν, πεκτρέπειν, V. παρεκτρέπειν, διαστρέφειν; see Divert.
    Turn aside, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἐκτρέπεσθαι, πεκτρέπεσθαι, ποτρέπεσθαι, ποστρέφειν (or pass.), P. παρατρέπεσθαι, ἐκκλίνειν.
    Turn away: see Turn aside (Turn).
    Turn back, v. trans.: P. and V. ποτρέπειν.
    Send back: Ar. and P. ποπέμπειν.
    Deter: P. and V. ποστρέφειν, Ar. and P. ποτρέπειν, V. παρασπᾶν.
    Turn back, v. intrans.: P. and V. ποστρέφειν (or pass.), ποστρέφειν (or pass.), ναστρέφειν, Ar. and P. ἐπαναστρέφειν.
    Turn from, v. trans., deter: Ar. and P. ποτρέπειν; see deter; v. intrans., V. ποτρέπεσθαι (acc.), Ar. and V. ποστρέφεσθαι (acc.) (also Xen.), P. ἀποτρέπεσθαι ἐκ (gen.).
    Desist from: P. and V. φίστασθαι (gen.), ἐξίστασθαι (gen.), V. μεθίστασθαι (gen.).
    Turn into, change into, v. trans.: P. μεταλλάσσειν (εἰς. acc.).
    Become, v. intrans.: P. and V. γίγνεσθαι.
    Turn into a beast: V. ἐκθηριοῦσθαι.
    Change into: P. μεταβαίνειν εἰς (acc.), μεταβάλλειν εἰς (acc.) or ἐπί (acc.).
    Turn out, manufacture, v. trans.: see Manufacture.
    Turn out of doors: P. and V. ἐκβάλλειν, νιστναι, ἐξανιστναι.
    Be turned out of doors: P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν.
    Drive out: P. and V. ἐλαύνειν, ἐξελαύνειν, ἐκβάλλειν; see Banish.
    Depose: P. and V. ἐκβάλλειν, P. παραλύειν; see Depose.
    Turn out, result, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἐκβαίνειν, τελευτᾶν, ἐξέρχεσθαι, P. ἀποβαίνειν, V. τελεῖν, ἐξήκειν, ἐκτελευτᾶν, Ar. and P. συμφέρεσθαι.
    Turn over, hand over, v. trans.: P. and V. παραδιδόναι, Ar. and P. ἐπιτρέπειν.
    Upset: P. and V. νατρέπειν, ναστρέφειν; see Upset.
    Turn over in one's mind: see Ponder.
    Turn over a new leaf: V. μεθαρμόζεσθαι βελτίω βίον (Eur., Alc. 1157).
    Turn round, v. trans.: P. and V. νακυκλεῖν (pass. in Plat.), ἐπιστρέφειν, περιγειν (Eur., Cycl. 686).
    Turn round, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἐπιστρέφειν (or ποστρέφειν, μεταστρέφεσθαι.
    Change: P. περιίστασθαι.
    Not turning round, adj.: V. ἄστροφος (Soph., O. C. 490).
    Turn tail: P. and V. ποστρέφειν, V. νωτίζειν; fly.
    Turn to, have recourse to: P. and V. τρέπεσθαι πρός (acc.), P. καταφεύγειν εἰς, or πρός (acc.), V. φεύγειν εἰς (acc.).
    Turn to account: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Turn upside down, v. trans.: P. and V. νω κτω στρέφειν; see under Upside (Upside down).
    Upset: P. and V. ναστρέφειν, νατρέπειν.
    Turn upside down, be upset, v. intrans.: P. and V. ναστρέφεσθαι, νατρέπεσθαι.
    Capsize: V. ὑπτιοῦσθαι.
    Change: P. and V. μεταβολή, ἡ, μετάστασις, ἡ; see Change.
    Opportunity: P. and V. ὥρα, ἡ, καιρός, ὁ.
    Turn of the scale, met.: P. and V. ῥοπή, ἡ.
    Twist, trick: P. and V. στροφή, ἡ.
    He will wait the turn of events: P. προσεδρεύσει τοῖς πράγμασι (Dem. 14).
    Good turn, service: P. and V. χρις, ἡ, P. εὐεργεσία, ἡ, V. πουργία, ἡ; see Service.
    Do ( one) a good turn: P. and V. εὖ ποιεῖν (acc.). εὖ δρᾶν (acc.).
    Bad turn, injury: P. and V. κακόν, τό; see Injury.
    Do ( one) a bad turn: P. and V. κακῶς ποιεῖν (acc.), κακῶς δρᾶν (acc.).
    The pair had hardly taken two or three turns ( in walking) when Clinias enters: P. οὔπω τούτω δύʼ ἢ τρεῖς δρόμους περιεληλυθότε ἤτην καὶ εἰσέρχεται Κλεινίας (Plat., Euthy. 273A).
    Duty coming round by rotation: P. and V. μέρος, τό.
    By turns: P. and V. ἐν μέρει, ἐν τῷ μέρει, P. κατὰ μέρος, V. ν μέρος.
    In order: P. and V. ἐφεξῆς, ἑξῆς.
    By relays: P. κατʼ ἀναπαύλας.
    Alternately: P. and V. παραλλάξ.
    In turn: P. and V. ἐν μέρει, ἐν τῷ μέρει.
    I will speak in your turn: P. ἐγὼ ἐρῶ ἐν τῷ σῷ μέρει (Plat., Symp. 185D).
    In return: P. and V. αὖ, αὖθις.
    In compounds: use ἀντι, e. g.
    hear in turn: P. and V. ἀντακούειν (Xen.).
    Be captured in turn: V. αὖθις ἀνθαλίσκεσθαι.
    Out of turn: P. παρὰ τὸ μέρος (Xen.).
    They took it in turns to sleep and do the rowing: P. οἱ μὲν ὕπνος, ἡροῦντο κατὰ μέρος, οἱ δὲ ἤλαυνον (Thuc. 3, 49).
    Taking one's turn: use adj., P. and V. διδοχος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Turn

См. также в других словарях:

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  • sleep something off — sleep (something) off to sleep until something stops having an effect on you. She slept off the effects of the medicine. Usage notes: often used in the form sleep it off: He s got a terrible headache and probably needs to sleep it off …   New idioms dictionary

  • sleep off — sleep (something) off to sleep until something stops having an effect on you. She slept off the effects of the medicine. Usage notes: often used in the form sleep it off: He s got a terrible headache and probably needs to sleep it off …   New idioms dictionary

  • sleep off — verb get rid of by sleeping (Freq. 1) sleep off a hangover • Hypernyms: ↑lose • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * sleep off To recover from (eg a hangover) by sleeping • • • …   Useful english dictionary

  • sleep — sleep1 W2S1 [sli:p] v past tense and past participle slept [slept] 1.) to rest your mind and body, usually at night when you are lying in bed with your eyes closed →↑asleep, oversleep ↑oversleep ▪ I usually sleep on my back. ▪ Did you sleep well… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sleep mode — /ˈslip moʊd/ (say sleep mohd) noun a low power mode for electronic devices as computers, radios, mobile phones, etc., which saves power consumption but avoids having to turn the device completely off: *it could be switched off to sleep mode when… …  

  • sleep — vb Sleep, slumber, drowse, doze, nap, catnap, snooze mean to take rest by a suspension of consciousness. Sleep, the usual term, implies ordinarily the periodical repose of this sort in which men and animals recuperate their powers after activity …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Sleep (banda) — Sleep Datos generales Origen San José, Estados Unidos Estado activa Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

  • sleep — [slēp] n. [ME slep < OE slæp, akin to Ger schlaf, sleep, schlaff, loose, lax < IE * slab < base * (s)leb , * (s)lab , loose, slack > LIP, LIMP1, L labor, to slip, sink] 1. a) a natural, regularly recurring condition of rest for the… …   English World dictionary

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  • Sleep — Sleep, v. t. 1. To be slumbering in; followed by a cognate object; as, to sleep a dreamless sleep. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. To give sleep to; to furnish with accomodations for sleeping; to lodge. [R.] Blackw. Mag. [1913 Webster] {To sleep… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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